An Agricultural Innovation Hub

Our Ag Tech goal is to create an agriculture innovation hub to advance community prosperity.

Ag Tech Goals for Farmers

Collaboration + Engagement with Ag Technology

Entrepreneurs and Innovation Create local access to ag technology market solutions

Deliver local agriculture entrepreneurship opportunities

Knox Co. Indiana Agriculture

#1 in Indiana for grain, fruit, and vegetable production

#2 county in USA for melon production

#1 in Indiana for no-till conservation - 96K+ acres

#1 in Indiana for crop receipts

#1 in Indiana for farmland acreage

#1 in Indiana for living crop cover - 61K+ acres

AgTech Partners with AgriNovus, Purdue University, Vincennes University, Terra Force, and AgroRenew.


Josh Mason (Ag Business)
Drew Garretson (Ag Business)
Nichole Like (Pantheon)
Brian Southern (AgroRenew)
Eric Reed (First Bank)
Mike Jacob (Terra Force)

Brady Mouzin (Farmer)
Nick Benson (Farmer/Ag Business)
Sean Nettleton (Ag Business)
Justin Marchino (Farmer)
Ethan Anson (Farmer)
Troy Hinkle (Farmer)

👩🏽‍🌾 ‍Ag Tech Internships

The Pantheon is excited to offer two new internships for students interested in bioplastics engineering and robotic autonomous technology. For more information and how to apply, select the appropriate internship below.